Hacking the U.S. Election ‘Possible’ But Difficult, Experts Say
As recently as 2014, people could use WiFi to connect to voting machines inside certain voting places in the state of Virginia.
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As recently as 2014, people could use WiFi to connect to voting machines inside certain voting places in the state of Virginia.
It took just two weeks for lawmaker Howard Anderson Jr. to get a vote on his bill.
This week, a fast-moving fire forced American officials to order the removal of more than 82,000 people from an area north of San Bernardino, California.
On August 16, 1954, Sports Illustrated published its first-ever magazine.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blasted opponent Donald Trump’s tax and trade proposals as she laid out her own economic plan Thursday.
On Monday, Donald Trump tried to reset his presidential campaign by offering a plan to cut taxes and renegotiate trade deals.
When students return to the J.J. Hill Montessori School in Minnesota next month, they will find counselors ready to help them.
Welcome to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Recent attacks on American computer systems have raised concerns that electronic voting machines could be future targets.
The American state of Texas joined eight other states this week in giving individuals a right to bring guns to college classrooms.