Former Italian Mining Area Hopes to Be a Theoretical Science Center
Italy is proposing to build one of the world’s most modern telescopes in an unused mineral mine.
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Italy is proposing to build one of the world’s most modern telescopes in an unused mineral mine.
The number of Americans planning to turn part of their lawn to native wildflowers doubled between 2019 and 2021.
By MarcEGottlieb – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
North Korea’s attempt to put its first military satellite into orbit failed Wednesday. The unsuccessful launch was a setback for leader Kim Jong Un. Kim has pushed to increase his country’s military strength with new weapons.
Fourteen-year-old Dev Shah has dreamed of winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee since 2019. He finally won it Thursday after correctly spelling the word “psammophile.”
US Approves Testing of Neuralink Brain Implant in Humans
Sweden is getting close to becoming the first “smoke-free” country in the European Union (EU). The country of 10.5 million people has had the lowest percentage of smokers in the EU for many years.
A new study has found that more than half of the world’s lakes have shrunk since the 1990s.
The midwestern U.S. state of Kansas is one of the country’s top grain-producing states. But farmers there are having to kill or plow over their winter wheat crop after a bad growing season.
Teacher Tries to Narrow Pandemic Reading Gaps
By Mark Knobil from Pittsburgh, usa – Camp, CC BY 2.0,