Prince Charles Talks Climate Change
Prince Charles says he has been talking about climate change at global conventions and conferences for 20 years.
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Prince Charles says he has been talking about climate change at global conventions and conferences for 20 years.
American pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor found fame last year with her songs “All About that Bass” and “My Lips are Movin’.”
Every year, about 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer.
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People magazine covers celebrities and pop culture in the United States.
French officers raided an apartment in Saint-Denis, a suburb north of Paris, on Wednesday morning.
The Islamic State militant group claimed that they crashed the Russian airplane over Egypt in late October with a bomb made from a soda can.
The European Union is requiring Israel to identify products that are made in disputed territory and sold in Europe.
Since the Paris terrorist attacks, a growing number of U.S. lawmakers want to close the door to Syrians.
The colors of the French flag — blue, white and red — dominated social media following Friday evening’s terrorist attacks in Paris.