Coming Soon to the Office: Facebook at Work
Facebook recently estimated that each of its users spends an average of 50 minutes a day on the company’s online social network.
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Facebook recently estimated that each of its users spends an average of 50 minutes a day on the company’s online social network.
We begin with bad news for people who bought a wearable fitness tracker in hopes of losing weight.
Yushinori Ohsumi of Japan has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
The U.S. government has officially transferred control of the internet address system to an international governing body.
A private group has recognized a California man who helps poor people and immigrant families.
Antarctica is home to the largest ice mass on Earth.
College students might be surprised to learn they can take a class that only teaches about climbing trees.
Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party candidate for president.
Businessman Elon Musk says his company is building a powerful, reusable rocket and a spaceship that may travel to the planet Mars.
An international team of scientists has identified a new kind of “superbug” — or strong bacteria — that has made people sick.