Restaurant ‘Fires’ Customer for Yelling at Autistic Worker
What’s more important: Your employee or your customer?
What’s more important: Your employee or your customer?
Terrorist attacks in Paris are not expected to stop the United Nations from hosting a major climate conference in that city.
Every year, about 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer.
The effect of the recent terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon and Egypt is being felt all over the world.
One of the big changes is that cars will drive themselves.
People magazine covers celebrities and pop culture in the United States.
French officers raided an apartment in Saint-Denis, a suburb north of Paris, on Wednesday morning.
The Islamic State militant group claimed that they crashed the Russian airplane over Egypt in late October with a bomb made from a soda can.
China’s decision to end its one-child policy is likely to affect the country’s economy.
The European Union is requiring Israel to identify products that are made in disputed territory and sold in Europe.