Indonesia Strikes Down Plans for Development in Rainforest
Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem is one of the few places where tigers, orangutans, elephants and rhinoceros all live in the wild.
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Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem is one of the few places where tigers, orangutans, elephants and rhinoceros all live in the wild.
The suspect in two bombings Saturday in New York City and New Jersey has been captured after being wounded in a gun battle with police.
Researchers say a thick haze caused by man-made forest fires in Indonesia is the likely cause of more than 100,000 deaths.
A group of friends from around the world have gathered because they all have something in common.
People in Vietnam can now get a cup of New Orleans coffee.
Paul Tasner is an industrial engineer.
Californians will vote in November on whether to stop using execution as a form of punishment, or reform the legal process leading up to the death sentence.
Three months ago, voters in the United Kingdom decided to withdraw from the European Union.
For the first time in 25 years, a baby orangutan was born at the National Zoo in Washington, D. C.
It may seem like a nightmare for some people.