Tesla Hopes Nevada ‘Gigafactory’ Fuels Car Sales
The American company Tesla Motors recently showed off a huge factory that will produce battery packs for its electric cars.
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The American company Tesla Motors recently showed off a huge factory that will produce battery packs for its electric cars.
When students return to the J.J. Hill Montessori School in Minnesota next month, they will find counselors ready to help them.
American swimmer Michael Phelps has won more Olympic medals than anyone in history.
The United States is working to reach its goal of bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees to the country by the end of September.
Welcome to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Joris Hoebe is an entrepreneur in the Netherlands.
Recent attacks on American computer systems have raised concerns that electronic voting machines could be future targets.
The United States government has begun the first clinical testing of an experimental vaccine designed to guard against Zika virus.
Kohei Uchimura is a Japanese gymnast.
South Korean and U.S. military officials say North Korea carried out a ballistic missile test early Wednesday.