Trump, Sanders Win New Hampshire
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders easily won the New Hampshire presidential primary election Tuesday night.
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders easily won the New Hampshire presidential primary election Tuesday night.
ABC News showed the debate live on television.
At the beginning of 2016, a new law went into effect in Texas.
Top diplomats under former President George W. Bush received “classified” information on personal email accounts, says a State Department report.
On Sunday, the championship game will decide who is the best, and who is second best.
Floyd Bledsoe walked out of prison last December after 16 years in jail.
Martin Shkreli has been called the “most hated man in America.”
You probably saw Concepcion Picciotto if you visited the White House over the past 35 years or so.
A Texas grand jury decided this week to clear the health care organization Planned Parenthood of charges that it sells body parts from aborted fetuses.
U.S. presidential candidate Ted Cruz has won the Republican party contest in the Iowa caucuses, the first in the United States.